News from the front lines in China: fighting the coronavirus epidemic with mobile diagnostics

Aidian’s QuikRead go Instrument and CRP tests are in use on the front line of the fight against the coronavirus epidemic in Wuhan, China. QuikRead go Instrument is particularly well-suited for mobile use due to its compact size and fully automatic usage. Today we would like to share with you the experience of Jiang Haoqin, a Chinese healthcare professional from the Department of Laboratory Medicine, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University in Shanghai who is currently working in a mobile laboratory unit in early diagnostics of the coronavirus in Wuhan. She and her team are working long and busy days setting up diagnostic measures for newly infected patients. There are many practical issues to take care of before a mobile laboratory unit is up and running, such as sources of power and the disposal of the blood samples. The teams comprising of healthcare professionals, engineers, armed guards, and many more are protecting themselves from catching the virus by using protective clothing at all times. After more than 12 hours of working relentlessly, the team is successful, and the laboratory unit is ready to receive its first patients for CRP testing. Aidian continues to support the Chinese medical professionals and others around the world at their work against the coronavirus epidemic.